Swimmer Requirements


We hope that you will join us this summer for lots of fun, exercise, and socializing with your neighbors. We would love to spend our summer with you. The coaching staff hopes to make this a fun and exciting summer for all of our swimmers. Our goal is to help all swimmers enjoy the summer while becoming confident and ever-improving athletes.

Swimmer Requirements:

The Park Village Swim Team is open to all neighborhood children between the ages of 5-18. The age group you swim with is based on your age as of June 1st.

  • Ages 6 & under must be able to swim 15 yards unassisted
  • Ages 7-10 must be able to complete one lap unassisted
  • Ages 11-18 must be able to swim two laps unassisted

(Note: Residents must be in good standing with the PV HOA to participate. It is also highly recommended that your child completed formal swimming lessons before joining the swim team due to the fact that children who are comfortable being in the water as a result of lessons will be safer and more likely to succeed in a group environment.) You can visit our new website at Park Village Porpoises Website here for additional information. 
